Yamaha YCB-621S Professional CC Tuba Silver $1800 in Indianapolis, Indiana For Sale
Price: $1,800
Type: Music instruments,
For Sale
- Private.
This is a MINT Yamaha YCB-621 Tuba in CC. These are some of the best CC tubas currently available. 4 short action pistons and 3/4 size make a nice compact sound that is perfect for chamber brass or smaller ensembles, but versatile enough to play in any orchestra up to about Russian symphonies. Yamaha's unerring attention to detail and superb craftsmanship should surprise no one, and these horns are played by professional symphony players all over the world. This instrument is in perfect condition. The horn has been demoed, but never privately owned. Original silver plate is 100% present without any scratches, dents or wear, only a few fingerprints. Case has a few scratches and wear. Tuba is perfect.
State: Indiana City: Indianapolis Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Indiana for sale
Music instruments in Indiana for sale
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