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Songwriting Contest! Win $500 at! in Indianapolis, Indiana For Sale

Price: $500
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Soooooooooooooooo, how does this work? There's 3 song ideas posted at Record a track based on/inspired by one of the song ideas (your tune can be loosely-based on the ideas posted), and submit it to the site by the end of January. We'll post 'em all, and open things up for a vote beginning of February. Top vote-getter wins $500, second top vote-getter gets $100.
But wait, there's more ? International Karate will be submitting a track, and fearless bandleader Tommy Rehbein will pick his two favorite tracks. His favorites win $300 and $100, so 4 ways to win total. The winners will also have their tracks up for sale on the site, and we'll probably throw in some t-shirts and other assorted fabulous prizes.
So . . . restring your guitars, tune your snares, dust off your keyboards, and get to it. All genres welcome! Oh yeah, check out the International Karate album here: From your brain to your stereo.

State: Indiana  City: Indianapolis  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Indiana for sale

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