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RAW: Indianapolis Call for Artists & Musicians in Indianapolis, Indiana For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Do YOU have what it takes to be a RAW Artist?
Registration for our GENERATION showcase on March 14th is BEGINNING NOW!
Submit an artist profile to be considered!
The first three (3) artist profiles submitted will receive TWO (2) FREE tickets to our RAW Indianapolis presents// DISCOVERY event on February 14th!
Come see what all the excitement is about!
RAW hand-picks and spotlights local artistic talent in film, fashion, music, visual art, hair & makeup artistry, and performance art. With artists from all genres in each showcase, RAW events come together to form an amazing one night circus of creativity.
WHAT IS RAW: RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists. Our mission is to provide independent artists of all creative genres, with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity. RAW educates emerging artists through seminars, workshops and insight to further the knowledge of their industry. RAW connects them with one another so that they might grow together, while providing them with opportunities to give back to their own local youth communities through the arts.
RAW operates in over 50+ cities across the country!

State: Indiana  City: Indianapolis  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Indiana for sale

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